Investment Portfolio: REO Foreclosure

Welcome back to my video blog.

You may have heard a lot about how the foreclosure market is shrinking. That is certainly true in the Kansas City area. From 2006 to 2011, foreclosures made up about 30 percent of the total home sales. Now foreclosures are only at about 15-18 percent of the total home sales.

Our team works a lot with VA foreclosures, Chase Bank, Citi Bank, and OneWest Bank. These foreclosures are great if you want to build your investment portfolio. We can help you find a great property and we have a property management division. If you want to invest but aren’t too keen on managing the property, we can help.

Give me a call at 800.686.5088 so we can help you build your investment portfolio. Thanks for watching!

Kansas City Fall Real Estate Market Update 2013

Welcome to my video blog! I wanted to give you an update about what’s happening in our real estate market. Despite the recent increase in interest rates and the government shutdown, we haven’t seen any dramatic changes other than the typical seasonal patterns.

It’s a great time to sell. Depending on your location and price range, absorption rates do vary, but they are all very good.

It’s a great time for buyers as well. Interest rates are still historically low and if you have good credit and 3.5 percent down, you’ll be able to get a great loan.

With the government shutdown we do expect a slight slow down in the amount of closings. We have yet to see any changes take affect, though.

If you have any questions or are ready to buy or sell, please give me a call at 800.686.5088 or send me an email at

Thanks for watching!