4 Reasons Winter Is the Prime Time to Buy

Even though it’s not the peak of the market, it's still a great time to sell your home.

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Often when I meet with clients, we talk about the timing and seasonality of the year to buy and sell a home. Though it’s a fact that maybe upwards of 80% of homes are purchased and sold from the time school gets out til the time school starts in late summer, there are plenty of homes that sell during the non-peak season of the year—fall, winter, and early spring.

One of the things that I think is important to keep in mind is that there’s always a real estate market. There are always people looking to move and buy, and there are always people looking to move and sell.

The velocity in the market, though it may not be quite as strong during the non-peak season, doesn’t really have the effect on pricing that you might think it does. When you’re thinking about selling a home—if you position it correctly through pricing, marketing, and location—that home can demand just as high a price, sometimes higher.

When buyers are out shopping during the holiday season, they have a strong motivation to move if they’re moving that time of year.

Here’s the reason: When buyers are out shopping during the holiday season, they have a strong motivation to move if they’re moving that time of year. Their house has sold and they must find something, because no one wants to be out and about and working; if they’re shopping during the holiday season, then they’re pretty doggone serious about it. The same could be said of those who are looking to sell.

I don’t worry much about the season affecting the price of your home. Unlike things like boats, a house is a high-value investment that doesn’t really fluctuate because of seasonality.

If you’re thinking about selling your home, click on the free home market valuation link, and it will get you instant information about the potential price of your home in today’s market. We’ll come out there and do one of two things: we can get you exact pricing by coming to look at your home, or we can give you a free, no-obligation internet market evaluation.

If you’re thinking about buying a home, click on the link that indicates you’re interested in buying, and we’ll give you a backstage pass to the MLS. You’ll be able to search for information on homes just like Realtors do. It will give you current pricing information that’s updated every five minutes.

If you have other topics or questions you’d like to discuss, please email, call, or text us. I’d be happy to talk with you.