The Best Upgrades You Can Make to Sell Your Home

You don’t have to completely renovate or remodel your home before you put it on the market. Minor upgrades, like investing in curb appeal, get you a higher return on investment.

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Should you work on major renovations or completely remodel your home before you put it on the market? I would say no. Minor upgrades actually get you a higher return on your investment than major renovations do.

The main reason minor upgrades net you more money is that huge construction projects always end up costing more money than you think they will. They also tend to take a lot longer than expected due to problems like scheduling conflicts.

The best place to spend money on your home is on the exterior. When buyers pull up to look at your home, those first 15 seconds are crucial. Your home should look as magical as Disney World. Make sure the lawn is freshly manicured and fertilized. Put down fresh mulch and invest in bright, colorful landscaping. Pull all of the weeds, too.

Curb appeal helps sell homes.

As for your house, make sure the windows are crystal clear. Paint your front door and power wash the house if necessary. Putting money into curb appeal will help your home make a great first impression on potential buyers. Many home sellers skip this step, so investing in curb appeal will also set you apart from the competition.

Research also shows that increasing the curb appeal of your home returns the most value for your money. Ultimately, curb appeal is what helps get buyers inside the house.

If you have any other questions about preparing your home for the market or about real estate in general, give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to help you.

1 comment :

  1. Do you think it's better to buy new carpet and paint or offer an allowance for them to pick?
